Cutting the ribbon to open the new Outdoor Classroom, Amphitheater & Plaza
Valery Voyles, Chairman/CEO of Ed Voyles Automotive Group; LaShawn McMillan, Principal at Ashford Park Elementary School and Shawn Keefe, President of the Ashford Park School Education Foundation (APSEF) attended the ribbon cutting celebration and Grand Opening of a new Outdoor Classroom, Amphitheater & Plaza at Ashford Park Elementary School in Brookhaven, on May 3rd, 2014.
Fully Completed project
In the fall of 2013, the APSEF partnered with URUUT, a robust fundraising platform and together with an outpouring of community support raised $106,450. According to the APSEF, studies show that hands-on science lessons and outdoor curriculum increases students understanding and helps them retain knowledge of important subjects, like science and math. The outdoor classroom will also double as an amphitheater that will showcase student theatrical productions, school lectures, and a range of community-wide events.
Outdoor Classroom / Amphitheater Nearly Complete
“The Team at Ed Voyles Automotive is proud to be a part of the community. We at Ed Voyles are very much about education and challenge other businesses to get involved in supporting their local schools”, Ms Voyles told those attending the Grand Opening.
Bill Brantley, President/COO at Ed Voyles expressed the pride he and the entire Ed Voyles team feel by being part of community education initiatives: “We believe in education, it’s our future. We want to be a part of giving these children the best opportunities so that we can build a bigger, better, stronger America moving forward. Education is the foundation of that.”